Accueil diversum
the rating agency
Saturday 08 February 2025
Following on from the conclusions published by the first inter-institutional working group on the purple economy in June 2013, a series of special groups are now being formed:

- a “purple food” group, a “purple habitat” group and a “purple digital” group, in charge of identifying levers for the purple transition of each of those sectors;

- a “human resources” group to discuss the development of skill sets and the creation of new jobs linked to the purple economy;

- a “purple communications” group to foster awareness of the issues associated with culturalization;

- a “purple accountancy” group to discuss how to assess the impact of economic agents on the cultural environment;

- a “purple taxation” group to assess all of the mechanisms in the tax system that aim to encourage the production of a positive cultural footprint; and

- a “purple finance” group to study how savings can be utilized in support of the purple transition.
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